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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Författare: J.K Rowling
Genre: Fantasy
Utgivningsår: 1999
ISBN: 0747546290

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Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays. (Who wouldn't if they lived with the horrible Dursleys?) But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called to guard the school...

Utdrag ur boken:
It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by those who once followed. Tonight, before midnight, his servant will break free and rejoin his master, and with that servant's help, the Dark Lord will rise again, greater and more terrible than ever before...

Medelbetyg: 4,29 (14 röster)
Bok recensioner av Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban :
2006-02-19 15:19
spännande och händelserik. Fristående är den ok men som en del i serien är den bäst!
Betyg 5
2007-04-14 14:11
Trean på engelska alltså
Betyg 5
2007-07-06 16:34
Så bra! Mys mys mys. Spänning!
Betyg 5
2007-08-11 09:05
Det ligger en konstant spänning i bakgrunden då Sirius Black förväntas försöka komma åt Harry vilken sekund som helst. Hon skruvar upp spänningen och man förstår nu att alla böckerna inte kommer vara lika, utan utvecklas till det bättre.
Betyg 5
2007-10-10 20:33
Den enda Harry Potter bok jag läst,,, funkade väl, inte min melodi dock
Betyg 3
2008-09-13 13:02
Det blir bara bättre och bättre
Betyg 4
2009-11-13 23:42
Hade redan läst den innan men jag älskade den mycket mer nu när det inte var så tätt inpå de andra böckerna. Jag fascineras än en gång av hur fantastisk Joanne skriver, hennes språk är jättevackert och dessutom känns historien så trovärdig och håller verkligen måttet genom hela boken.

När jag läste den tillsammans med de andra böckerna i serien tyckte jag att det var en av de sämre böckerna i serien men nu när jag bara läste den här insåg jag hur otroligt bra den är! Absolut läsvärd. Kanske inte som fristående men absolut som en i serien!
Betyg 5
2010-10-24 09:57
Trots att jag läst den här på svenska många gånger, och trots att just den här delen inte var min favoritdel, kan jag inte låta bli att älska den nu när jag tar mig an den på orginalspråket för första gången. I den tredje delen i Harry Potter-serien börjar äntligen lite saker klaras upp, och man får veta mycket om Harrys förflutna. Samtidigt kastas de första lösa trådarna ut som kommer att knytas ihop fint i slutet :-)
Det finns något i Harry Potter som gör böckerna så fantastiskt bra - något som får mig att återvända gång på gång. Jag älskar det brittiska språket, humorn, och miljöerna - och är nästan lika förälskad i Sirius Black som när jag var liten.
Jag förstår nu att jag aldrig kommer att sluta läsa och älska Harry Potter - den förälskelse som jag var förblindad av som liten har gått över, men istället har jag nu ett starkt och kärleksfyllt förhållande till serien. Jag tvivlar inte på att jag kommer att läsa om den här boken ännu några gånger i framtiden.
Betyg 5
2019-05-13 19:08
HARRY POTTER and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Joanne Kathleen Rowling more known as J. K. Rowling is prioritized to fantasy as genre and
she wrote other books besides “Harry Potter” for instance “Fantastic Beasts and where to find
them”. She is one of the best authors of all time but not only that, the fact that she is one of
the best authors, she is even the first person in the world that became a millionaire from book
writing. J. K. Rowling got the idea for “Harry Potter” when she was on the way to London and
when she arrived she started write it immediately. Today she is living a peaceful life in London.
The book that I read is third in the Harry Potter series and it is called “Harry
Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban”, it is an awesome book series, and one of the most
popular authors of this time wrote it and her name is J. K. Rowling. The book I read is about a
parentless boy that must live with his arrogant auntie Petunia, uncle Vernon and their son
Dudley. But there is one thing about this boy and that is the fact that he is a wizard and he is
going in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Moreover, he is very successful he got
that talent from his dad James. Anyways there is one thing that Harry is worried about and it
is the fact that there is a serial killer called Sirius Black that is on his way to kill Harry Potter
but he and Harry have something that binds them, but what?
In this book, I would say that there is three main characters and they are Harry
Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Those three are best friend and Hermione and
Ron are Harry’s sidekicks that actually are very important. Harry is a little 13 years old boy that
have black, relatively short and curly hair, green eyes, glasses and a lightning shaped scar in
right side of his forehead that he got from a dark lord named Voldemort when he killed Harrys
parents, because of the fact that Harry only have one magical parent he is called a half-blood.
Hermione is a little and very brave and vise 13 years old girl that is very successful in school,
she have red hair and a lots of freckles on her face, her parents are non-magical and that’s
why she is called a mud blood . The last one, Ron he is a poor and clumsy 13 years old boy with red hair and freckles all over his face, he have a little rat as a pet and his parents are both
magical and that is why he is called a pureblood.
And then, there is as well a few more persons that are important but I will bring
up only one and that is Sirius Black. He is a serial killer that everybody thought he escaped
from Azkaban because of the revenge to Harry Potter but it is wrong. Sirius black was a good
friend to James and Lily and even Harry’s godfather. But, how all this happened is very difficult
to describe, the fact is that he escaped to help Harry because he knew that Harry was in danger
and he wanted to help. Sirius is a good person that have relatively long black hair and good
sense for fashion.
The environment have a huge role in the both book and movie because that is
what gives the effects to the story. The environment is usually a bit darker, or in fact, the
“whole” book was in dark. The biggest part of the book was played outside and nearly whole
book was played in the magic world only 2 or 3 first chapters was in “normal world” or how
they call it in the book “the muggle world”. Hogwarts, the school they attend is just like a huge
castle and next to the school, there is a tree that have big role in this book which is the place
where the majority of fights and things happens for example that’s the place where Harry find
out that Sirius is his godfather.
The language in the book, according to me is very easy the only hard part is when
they use words that don’t exists in our vocabulary for example quidditch, avada kedavra which
is one of the three unforgivable spells and so on. Language is pretty solid and by that I mean
it is understandable but there is both new and old words but I understood it very well.
Well, I would recommend this book to young, old, male, female and so on, this
book/series are for everybody and it is so awesome, definitely, the best book I have ever read
and there is no bad thing with it. Of course everybody have their opinions about everything
but I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter and this book is nothing else than an awesome story, of
course there is some questions for example what will happen whit Sirius Black in the future,
but you would have to read the next book to discover it of course. Anyways I think this book
is something that everybody should read because it will take you to an whole another world
of magic and it is an awesome feeling.
Betyg 4

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