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The Valley of Fear

Författare: Arthur Conan Doyle
Genre: Roman
Ämnesord: mord, kärlek, spänning, sherlock holmes, frimurare
Utgivningsår: 1915
ISBN: 9781540536501

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The mystery begins with a coded warning of imminent danger, drawing the illustrious Sherlock Holmes and the faithful Dr. Watson to a secluded English country home. A trail of bewildering clues--raincoats, dumbbells, a missing wedding ring--leads to sleuthing in the finest Holmesian tradition and the gripping backstory of a cult that terrorized a valley in the American West. Crisp, realistic characterizations and a cracklingly suspenseful narrative make this novel a must-read for all lovers of mystery and detection as well as Sherlock Holmes fans.

Utdrag ur boken:
"Might I ask," asked Holmes, "what the words were which attracted your attention?"
"The Valley of Fear," the lady answered. "That was an expression he had used when I questioned him. 'I have been in the Valley of Fear. I am not out of it yet.' – 'Are we never to get out of the Valley of Fear?' I have asked him when I have seen him more serious than usual. 'Sometimes I think that we never shall,' he has answered."
"Surely you asked him what he meant by the Valley of Fear?"
"I did; but his face would become very grave and he would shake his head. 'It is bad enough that one of us should have been in its shadow,' he said. 'Please God it shall never fall upon you!' It was some real valley in which he had lived and in which something terrible had occurred to him, of that I am certain; but I can tell you no more."

Medelbetyg: 3,5 (2 röster)
Bok recensioner av The Valley of Fear :
2008-12-25 17:49
Det börjar med att Sherlock Holmes löser en kod som säger att en viss Mr. Douglas är i fara. Samma kväll blir han mördad och då får Sherlock och John hjälpa till att reda ut alla mystiska oklarheter.
Som många andra av Doyles berättelser så består boken av två delar, den första där fallet blir löst och den andra som grundläggande förklarar motiven.
Första delen är inte särskilt kul, den består till stor del av olika utredares teorier, men ingen har ju naturligtvis rätt eftersom det bara är Sherlock Holmes som kan ha det... I andra halvan av boken finns däremot en intressant historia, även om det blir lite väl stereotypt.
Betyg 3
2018-03-18 19:03
Intressant historia med nattsvarta skurkar som terroriserar en hel dal i Amerika. Boken är uppdelad i två delar där del två ger bakgrundshistorien till mysteriet som Holmes löser. Bra bok.
Betyg 4

Direktlänk till boken hos Bokus
Köp boken på (betald länk) * Som Amazon-associates tjänar vi pengar på kvalificerade köp.

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