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Dissecting the Holocaust

Författare: Germar Rudolf
Genre: Fakta
Ämnesord: krig, politik, mord, historia
Utgivningsår: 2003
ISBN: 0967985625

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The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory.

“There is at present no other single volume that so provides a serious reader with a broad understanding
of the contemporary state of historical issues that influential people would rather not have examined.”
Prof. Dr. Arthur R. Butz, Evanston, IL

“There is much in the various contributions that strikes one as thoroughly convincing.”
Historian Dr. Joachim Hoffmann, Expert Report, Freiburg, Germany, 1995

“Read this book and you will know where revisionism is today. And the shock is that revisionism
has done away with the exterminationist case.”
Andrew Gray, The Barnes Review

“These contributions read like detective stories – analyzing the evidence for several crimes
in a Sherlock Holmes style.”
The Christian News, July 24, 2000

“I envy the United States where such a book can be published without negative consequences.
It will probably unleash a broad discussion.”
Historian Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, Berlin, Germany

Dissecting the Holocaust
HOLOCAUST Handbooks Series
Volume One, 2nd edition


Utdrag ur boken:
We must understand the disarray of Germany’s accusers in the face of revisionism’s successes.
For half a century they have sincerely believed that the tragedy undergone by the Jews during the
Second World War was of exceptional seriousness and magnitude, whereas, when reduced to its
proper proportions – that is, without genocide and without gas chambers – their tragedy was just
one of many other tragedies of that terrible conflict.

Under the thrust of revisionist inquiries their historians step by step have had to admit
– that there was neither an order, nor a plan, nor a budget for the alleged genocide of the Jews
– that ‘Wannsee’ was at best only a “silly story”
– that there existed no specialist’s report on the weapon of the crime concluding that
‘the building (whether intact, “reconstructed”, or in ruins) served as a homicidal gas chamber’
– that there is no autopsy that would allow us to conclude: ‘This is the corpse of a deportee killed
by poison gas’;
– that the confession of Rudolf Höß was no longer of any value (“Höß was always a very weak
and confused witness”)
– that their alleged witnesses had probably never seen gas chambers or gassings inasmuch as the
best of them, the famous Rudolf Vrba, in 1985, had been obliged to admit before a Canadian
judge and jury that in his famous book on the subject he had made use of “poetic licence” or
“licentia poetarum”

– that the “Jewish soap” had never existed
– that the figure of four million victims at Auschwitz was only a fiction
– and that the “sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable […].
Besides, from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall, more Jews were
killed by so-called ‘natural’ causes [starvation, disease, sickness and overwork] than by
‘unnatural’ ones.”

Medelbetyg: 4 (1 röster)
Bok recensioner av Dissecting the Holocaust :
2022-08-02 20:19
Jag ser alla dessa recensioner, ni skriver, ”Barnen i Auschwitz/
Otto B. Kraus” ”Andra världskriget/Dick Harrison” eller
”München/Robert Harris” det är hur mycket som helst;
böckerna är så trevliga, har verklighetsunderlag, man kan
lära sig om världskriget, det är som att vara på plats på riktigt,

Så nu får ni litet moteld! Nassens påstådda sk utrotningskampanj
mot den judiska befolkningen var aldrig mer än en vandringssägen.

Sålunda saknas varje form av fysisk bevisning, speciellt saknas kemisk,
arkeologisk, kriminalteknisk och dokumentationsbevisning. Vidare är
den generella sagan fysiskt omöjlig att implementera i den riktiga
verkligheten. Och om du inte har hicka nu; det finns ingen Holocaust
på bevarade flygfotografier.

Denna tegelsten, som är ett vetenskapligt arbete, kryllar av
kontrollerbara referenser; den är samanställd av Germar Rudolf,
som är professionell kemist. Du får läsa vittnesmål, se resultat av
tekniska undersökningar. Du får presenterat dom amerikanska
tortyrmetoderna, som användes för att få fram erkännanden.

Man visar hur man förfalskat och fabricerat bildbevis. Flygfotografierna,
och hur dom tolkas. Och Schindler's list (filmen).

Du får lära dig en hel del detaljer om krematorier, krematorieugnar,
massgravar och annat matnyttigt. Treblinkas massgrav finns inte på
markradar. 581 sidor. Litteraturlistan är 19 sidor.

Flera av bokens delförfattare har råkat illa ut. Mordbränder, misshandel,
utfrysning, finka, exil. Prova läs en bok som kostat författaren!

Utan Holocaust, vad handlade andra världskriget om?
Vet du det?
Läs en bok!!
Betyg 4

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Köp boken på (betald länk) * Som Amazon-associates tjänar vi pengar på kvalificerade köp.

Skriv egen bokrecension till Dissecting the Holocaust
Liknande böcker:
 D. Harrison
Osmanska riket
 D. Harrison
Berlinmurens fall
 O. Larsson
 B. af Klintberg
 D. Harrison
Säpo inifrån
 B. Nylander
 G. Thunberg