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De blodrøde floder  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Jean-Christophe Grangé
genre: Crime Fiction
ISBN: 9788763808972

Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Rosinante Co) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

Gennemsnit: 2 (1 Score)

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Boganmeldelser De blodrøde floder :

CristianHC 2008-03-12 21:07

After knowing that the movie “The Crimson Rivers” was based on the book “Blood-Red Rivers” I ordered it without hesitation. You know the rule… the book is always better than the movie. Beside, the author is French, which gave the whole scenario something a bit exotic.

Everything changed as soon as I started reading it!

I find the translation horrible; it makes me wonder if Ion Monk (translator) has ever read a PI/Detective Crime Fiction novel.

Jean C. Grangé is the other one guilty to why I ended almost hating “Blood-Red Rivers”. He had a great idea, but in the end, it became too much to compromise.
The beginning of the book is really good and I kept turning the pages, but toward the end it was like reading a conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy, and as I continued reading I felt like the ice below this heavy plot became thinner and thinner. In the end it just collapsed by its own weight, or should I say stupidity.

Score 2

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