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Mælkebøttevin  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Ray Bradbury
genre: Roman
Year: 1960
ISBN: 8741679032

Dandelion Wine is a 1957 semi-autobiographical novel by Ray Bradbury, taking place in the summer of 1928 in the fictional town of Green Town, Illinois — a pseudonym for Bradbury's childhood home of Waukegan, Illinois. The novel developed from the short story "Dandelion Wine" which appeared in the June 1953 issue of Gourmet magazine.

The title refers to a wine made with dandelion petals and other ingredients, commonly citrus fruit. In the story, dandelion wine, as made by the protagonist's grandfather, serves as a metaphor for packing all of the joys of summer into a single bottle.

The main character of the story is Douglas Spaulding, a 12-year-old boy loosely patterned after Bradbury. Most of the book is focused upon the routines of small-town America, and the simple joys of yesteryear

Gennemsnit: 2 (1 Score)

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Boganmeldelser Mælkebøttevin :

okidoki 2012-09-18 14:13
På svenska: Blommande vin.
Nej, för idyllisk och naturromantisk för min smak.
Score 2

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