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Sleepers  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Lorenzo Carcaterra
genre: Real Life Fiction
Year: 1995
ISBN: 8741410556

I en retssag mødes fire barndomsvenner fra New Yorks berygtede forbryderkvarter, Hell's Kitchen, for sidste gang og afslører, hvordan de som voksne hævnede sig på deres plageånder fra ungdommens opdragelsesanstalt

Gennemsnit: 2 (1 Score)

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Boganmeldelser Sleepers :

CristianHC 2012-08-16 19:32

I bought "Sleepers" because of the movie… of the same name. That’s a good one, the movie I mean. The book doesn’t work, at least not the second part of it. I enjoyed and could believe that this book is based on real and terrible life events until after the time in juvenile jail. But after that the book fell apart completely. It somehow worked on the movie but not in the book. It’s impossible to compromise so much in order to believe that the story takes the curse it takes, and have a climax like the one "Sleepers" has.

Sorry Lorenzo Carcaterra, I’m one of those who think your story is made up and not based on real events.

Score 2

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