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The Rescuers

Författare: Margery Sharp
Genre: Barnbok
Utgivningsår: 1959
ISBN: 0316000558

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This lighthearted fantasy is Margery Sharp's first book for children. In it she shows the fine quality of writing and sense of humor which distinguish her adult novels. The Rescuers are three mice-aristocratic Miss Bianca; Bernard, a rough diamond; and Nils, a Viking sea-mouse–who are sent by the Prisoners' Aid Society (a rodent institution) to help a poet to escape from his dungeon in a far away castle. The story of their memorable journey to the Black Castle; their hair-raising encounters with the Head Jailer's CAT; and their ingenious plan for the poet's escape, will surely become a well loved and permanent addition to the children's bookshelf.
Judith Brook's delicate illustrations, which help to till the charming story, appear on almost every page.

Utdrag ur boken:
The message, for such it was, was written in blood, from a pricked finger. At last the treacle was cleaned off, and there quite clear upon the poor scrap of rag showed three of four words in an educated hand.
“And in Norwegian!” shouted Nils.
He pushed Bernard roughly aside, to see better. Bernard didn’t mind.
“What does it say?” cried Miss Bianca.
They had never before seen Nils overcome by emotion. Now he actually used the precious rag to wipe his eyes! “For goodness sake don’t wash anything off!” cried Bernard – offering his own spotted handkerchief. “Just tell us what is says!”
Nils gulped and controlled himself.
“It says ... well, roughly, it just says, ’Shall I ever see Norway again ...’”
For a moment, at these pathetic words, all fell silent. Then–
“But at least he’s still alive!” exclaimed Miss Bianca.

Bok recensioner av The Rescuers :
2010-01-18 15:42
Första boken av totalt nio (finns inte översatta till svenska) om små möss som ägnar sig åt räddningsarbete. I detta fall fritagandet av en norsk poet. Det är framför allt trist att de tre hjältarna hamnar i alltför bekanta roller: den modiga och logiska ledaren (Bernard), den passionerade och impulsstyrda medhjälparen (Nils) och den känslosamma och svaga, odugliga kvinnan (Bianca).

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Köp boken på (betald länk) * Som Amazon-associates tjänar vi pengar på kvalificerade köp.

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